They've got... personality
Today, we are here to announce our new Sal del Mar product line.. hand-embroidered tea towels and bar towels.
Actually, they are better described as towels with a lot of personality because they have been designed to create joy and happiness by just looking at them. And even though they are a piece of art... they are also hard-working and can clean a counter top or wipe up a ketchp spill.
It has been a year in the making... creating designs, choosing the linen fabric, the color combinations of our fabrics and yarn, and then tweaking the embroidered designs through many stages until it was perfect.
And finally we have a product that will work along side our Sal del Mar gourmet sea salt bags. The embroiderers who benefit from the sale of our Sal del Mar products are also very excited to have a whole new canvas to work with... a large white, beautiful linen canvas. See all our designs and gift ideas in our Shop.