Wild Dreams
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be thinking “weddings” when I started Sal del Mar several years ago. But as they say, never say (or rather think) “never.” Because .... along with our new look for www.saldelmar.com, we are initiating a whole page on our new website called Weddings.
This passion for weddings has been a long time brewing. It all started with my discovering that salt has so many traditions that are related to beginnings. And then there was no stopping as we began designing bags for weddings.
Colored paper garland from Bon-Boutique, Tucson.
We showed the designs to our embroiderers and then they added their artistic spirit to the whole process with their beautiful embroidery threads in a myriad of colors and stitches.
We envisioned that these hand-embroidered wedding bags would be perfect gifts as favors at weddings, as favors for bridesmaid’s parties, or as a welcome bag treat. This, we knew, would be a gift that guests would love taking home because they would actually use it as well as having it as a keepsake.
And then another idea happened. Why not feature weddings and show off our Sal del Mar wedding bags?
Well, that's just the beginning because salt is truly amazing and it is leading us in many directions . We just finished a photo shoot and we can't wait to show you the photos.